I have searched for quotes about happiness and life and found the essence of LIFE in small words: “Be Happy, Then Live. A simple path to an extraordinary life”. Also, I found a book called like this and the author, Michal Miszczuk put a lot of time, energy and effort into writing down these thoughts and I am honored that he allowed me to read this book and to write a review.
Be Happy, Then Live – book structure
This wonderful book is about self-development, self-discovery, the law of attraction and bringing abundance into life in different forms and many ways. It is written in a simple and accessible way with a language everyone can understand.
These fundamental life questions are presented and explained in the story of Mike Khan – a journalist who transforms his life after having interviewed one of the famous so-called spiritual teachers. E.g. “How to be happy? What is the purpose of life? Why do I always have bad luck? Why do bad things happen to me? Is there something beyond this physical reality? Why are some people rich while others live in poverty? Why do I get sick all the time? Why do I have problems with building relationships?”
After reading the book, I realized that I know a lot of things and I have to learn more to discover my inner self and the Universe. I am able now to look upon life’s problems from a different perspective and achieve the things in life that I dreamed of more easily.
All the main principle of the Law of Attraction is based on the concept of ‘feeling’ emotions that bring us Happiness and Joy.
That’s why I recommend loving this book and thanks to the author, Michal, for letting me explore the depths of my fears and dreams and for renewed happiness and joy in my life. 💗
But maybe you are asking who is Michal Miszczuk. He is from Poland, an English teacher and a musician, but he is also interested in philosophy and spirituality.
Michal created a motivational video, called his book „Be Happy, Then Live„:
Be Happy, Then Live – Excerpts from the book
In the next paragraphs, I will present a few excerpts from the book, those I liked most. Enjoy it! 🙂
The Universe listens and it responds only to our emotions. This is the key to prayer. This is internal technology. Words can be helpful, but they needn’t be heard. Yet, while they may be helpful in creating certain emotional states in order for the manifestation process to start, the true secret for a prayer to come into manifestation is the feeling that our wish has already been granted and we feel the gratitude for having it so. The laws of the universe are constant and equal for everyone. There are no exceptions! So if we have done everything as we should have done – the universe will have no other choice, but to reflect the version of reality that we feel as being true. This works every single time. People often think that seeing is believing, but it is actually the way around – believing is seeing. If you believe that something is true, you will ultimately see it.” ~ Subchapter – Prayer
I: “You have talked earlier about suffering. Could you elaborate a little more about the topic of happiness and joy?”
Dan: “For me, you are happy when you are both growing and have balance in all fields of life. Balance here is the key point. As human beings, we are both spiritual and physical beings, so to live fully, we have to achieve harmony between these two worlds, and we have to devote the same amount of time for growth in both fields. Finally, we must live our lives simultaneously in these two worlds. This is the purpose we were created for – to fully manifest the spirit inside the human body and to master it” – subchapter – Happiness
The book is well-structured, offering great tips and exercises to help readers shift their mindset. It embraces positivity and creates lasting change too.
The clear writing and actionable steps make it a valuable read for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being. In this way, we can live a more extraordinary life.
Other information about the book can be found on the Be Happy Then Live – The Book, Facebook page.
Be a conscious creator of your life! BE HAPPY, THEN LIVE! 🙂